This is a record of the Order of the Twin Adder’s senior warrior axe, Serpent Captain’s Bardiche.

Wow, it’s a fashionable wooden axe.

It’s a Gridania-like design.

Is the handle made of wood and the blade part made of wood resin? It is a slightly transparent material.

There is an atmosphere that seems to have the power of the spirits of the venerable forest.

The handle and blade have a sense of unity … It’s not an artificial ax, it feels like it lived naturally as it is.

Although it has a sharp blade, it has a warm design that makes it feel a little cute.

Many axes have a rugged design, so this is also valuable.

This “Serpent Captain’s Bardiche” will be available in exchange for Company Seals 35,000 if you raise the rank of the Order of the Twin Adder to Serpent Captain.

I like the equipment of the Order of the Twin Adder because it has a lot of natural feeling.

You’re a person who is withdrawn in the forest, so it’s just right.

Ahahaha, do you praise me for that? 💦

So, it was a record of the fashionable axe “Serpent Captain’s Bardiche” of the Order of the Twin Adder.
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!