This is the record of the summoner’s weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Grimoire“.

I got a very cute book♪

This has beautiful colors.

A grimoire with gorgeous decorations based on a slightly darker blue.

The gold metal parts give it a classy look.

A little mature?

When you open the book, the gold ornaments are divided on both ends.

It’s a crescent moon♪

The blue jewels here and there are also cute points.

If you look closely, the top of the book is decorated with a string of jewels.

And the contents of the book are described with complicated magic crests.

A very stylish magic crest!

By the way, I think this blue cloth part is inspired by the night sky.

Wow, Namingway-chan, you say nice things♪

Fufu, all of the Luna Envoy series are fashionable.

In addition, this “Lunar Envoy’s Grimoire” can be obtained by exchanging Allagan tomestones in Radz-at-Han.

This is a mysterious and cute grimoire♪

I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the summoner’s crescent moon weapon “Lunar Envoy’s Grimoire“.

See You!