This is the record of the Dragoon’s weapon “Augmented Lost Allagan Halberd“.

Wow, I got a really cool spear!

It’s a Lost Allagan weapon.

Here it is dyed with kobold brown to match the outfit.

When you set it up, a part of it glows light blue with a sound effect, and it flashes slowly as if it were breathing.

Oh, cool!

It has a rather elaborate shape, and the light blue light is somewhat futuristic.

A bit steampunk, right?

The root part also shines light blue.

Also the tip of the handle.

It just looks steampunk because you painted it dark brown, right?

Fufu, I don’t care about the details.
Dyeing Patterns
The image changes quite a bit, so you can enjoy coordinating it in many different ways.
Original Color

Soot Black

Kobold Brown

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

This Augmented Lost Allagan Halberd can be obtained in Rhalgr’s Reach or Kugane in exchange for Centurio Seals or Allagan tomestone poetics.

It’s easy to get, but it’s so cool!

I recorded a video of how it glows!
So, that’s it for the record of Dragoon’s spear “Augmented Lost Allagan Halberd“!

This is a very nice treasure♪