This is a record of the Dragoon’s weapon, the Faust Lance.

Wow, I got a cool spear!

The garden furniture “Faust Striking Dummy” also has that.

The tip of the spear is like a drill.

The handle is a rough rod.

And when you take aim, the drill on the tip of the spear will light up and rotate!

It also flashes repeatedly like a crackling electric current.

Wow, it’s so cool how it keeps spinning.

The handle also lights up and flashes.

It looks a bit like Apollo and is delicious.

Huh, Apollo?

By the way, this “Faust Lance” can be obtained at the Gold Saucer in exchange for 100,000 MGP.

I recorded a video of it spinning and glowing!
So that concludes the record of the rotating drill dragoon weapon, “Faust Lance“!

I think I might like this one quite a bit!