This is a record of the dragoon’s weapon “Diamond Zeta Partisan” available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

This is also a weapon with a cool start-up sound!

“Extreme” weapons are pretty scary, aren’t they?

However, despite its terrifying design, this “Diamond Weapon” series has a relatively refreshing impression because it is based on light blue and white.

When you hold the spear, the orange eye-like part at the tip of the spear glows.

It’s like a spear flashing like it’s breathing.

It’s kind of like a Ohmu.

Maybe this spear is alive 💦

In addition, the moment you set it up, you will hear a sound like “Ban! Shuin”, as if some energy system was activated. I don’t think the sound effects can be seen in the photos, so check out the video below.

When you see it start up and blinking like a breath, is it a weapon with a will?

If so, I feel a little scared, but I feel like I can fight together and feel embarrassed!

This is rarely available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme). Alternatively, you can exchange it by collecting 10 Diamond Totem available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

So, it was a record of the dragoon weapon “Diamond Zeta Partisan” of The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
▼ Please check the video for the startup sound and blinking!