This is the record of the Dragoon’s Manderville weapons 1st Form, “Manderville Spear“.

Wow, what a sinister and refreshing spear.

I feel like you’re saying something incompatible, but…

If you look closely at the model, it’s very ominous, but isn’t the blue and white somehow refreshing?

There is “something” wrapped around the spear.

At first I thought it was a dragon because it’s a dragoon, but…

If you look closely, is it a daemon?

A demon’s feather protrudes from the tip of the spear, and I feel that the face is facing the dragoon. Those blue whiskers are demon horns?

This may be cursed…

eh! ? 💦
Dyed pattern
Blue parts are dyed.
Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Turquoise Green

In addition, this “Manderville Spear” will be available soon if you progress the story of Manderville weapons (derived from Hildibrand Adventures).

Well, but if you think about it, Nidhogg’s spear is also the same, but in a way, the cursed one is stronger, I’m sure!

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the Dragoon’s Manderville weapons Stage 1 “Manderville Spear“.
Norirow-san is positive only in the “Chu-ni-” part…
