I heard that another friend has passed away and gone to heaven.
An old friend from my time on the old server.
We may not have hung out together that often, but each and every time was a very memorable experience, and your name always came up in conversations with loved ones, so I’ve always felt close to you as a friend.
I think it was after the first FF15 collaboration. We were driving around in our newly acquired Regalia and I remember being so surprised when we accidentally fell off a cliff in Coerthas. (laughs)

Back then, we were all still just novice adventurers.
When I look back at photos from that time, I see that I was tanned, dark-skinned, and had white hair, so it makes me nostalgic when I look at them now.
I have fond memories of the time we went for a drive and fell off a cliff, and also when we went to ID together and panicked because I attracted hostility even though I was a healer.
I won’t forget.
Yok Huy also said that if you don’t forget someone, they will always be alive.
So I believe we’ll meet again soon.

What’s heaven like? Maybe I should call it the ethereal realm.
It must be a peaceful world.
That’s right, Nei-san has already gone there, so you might want to meet her and go on an adventure together.
I can’t find the right words, but… first of all, I hope you can recover from your fatigue and get a good night’s sleep.
And I hope you will be happy in your new world.
I just hope that you are at peace right now.
Thank you for meeting me. Thank you for giving me memories.
See you soon. Good night.