Seven days before you went to heaven.
We went on our last walk together.
You could hardly walk anymore, so I carried you all the way.
A regular walk along the river.
I was so worried as I walked with you, who had grown weak.
You probably didn’t have much strength left to support yourself.
You’re limp in my arms, but you’re looking out so I can’t see your face.
Maybe you’re already dead… I was really worried as I walked.
And we sat in our usual spot by the river, relieved to see that you were still alive.
You kindly smiled at me… No, I don’t think so, you looked like you didn’t care about anything, fufu.
You are always warm, fluffy and smell good.
It smelled warm of the sun.
It was my favorite smell.
I can still smell you when I close my eyes.
Love is invisible.
And I can’t touch you anymore.
But you’re always by my side.
thank you.
This is a letter I wrote three years ago to my beloved family (doggy) who went to heaven first.
I found it when I was sorting out my notepad, so I’ll write it down here so I don’t forget it.
I changed your name a little and gave it to my chocobo.
I’m with you forever.
You are my precious treasure.
Please wait for me in heaven.