This is a record of the reaper’s scythe “Death Scythe“, which is a privilege of “Endwalker Collector’s Edition (CE)“.

Wow, it’s a classic and cool scythe!

It’s more old-fashioned than classic?

If you look closely, it is rusty overall and looks like a scythe from the good old days.

And when you hold it, the blade opens and it becomes a sickle, but the red part shines and it is cool!

This red part flashes randomly. I don’t think you can see how it blinks with just the photos, so check it out in the video below!

The classic coat of arms is engraved on it, and it looks like it’s displayed in a Western castle.

I think it looks like a grim reaper!

The reaper itself is like a grim reaper.

Well, that’s right 💦

By the way, I think this is based on the Death Scythe of FF11.

Oh, it’s a venerable weapon!

This “Death Scythe” can be obtained by purchasing the Collector’s Edition of Endwalker, but it can also be obtained by performing a digital upgrade later.

Reaper’s weapons are still rare with effects, so this is a valuable gem ♪

I’m looking forward to seeing new ones in the future.

So, it was a record of the reaper’s weapon “Death Scythe” of the Endwalker Collector’s Edition privilege.
▼ Check out the video to see how it blinks!
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