This is a record of Reaper’s weapon (Comedy Weapon) “Augmented Avatar’s Scythe“.

Wow, look! I got the coolest scythe!

It’s a scythe with a “Chu-ni” feel that Norirow-san seems to like…

It’s a fairly large scythe, and the overall coloring that gives it a faded rust look is cool.

The tattered texture of the fabric gives it a very nice taste.

When you hold it up, a magic circle appears on the moving parts, and the blade becomes red hot.

Oh, this is amazing!

The semicircular magic circle seems to increase the power of the skill.

The rust on the blade is very realistic.

The fact that it’s wrapped in a bandage tickles my “Chu-ni” heart even more.

This might be the coolest thing ever! Deep emotion!

By the way, this “Augmented Avatar’s Scythe” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan tomestone Poetics in Radz-at-Han or Old Sharlayan.

It’s a different topic, but when you look at it from this angle, it looks like a Tapir.

Eh, Tapir! ? The image suddenly becomes too cute! 💦

By the way, this is also the grand prize winner of the weapon design contest.

Oh, thank you so much for designing such a cool thing!

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of Reaper’s weapon “Augmented Avatar’s Scythe“.

This is a wonderful scythe that makes me want to try my best as a reaper!