This is a record of the unusually shaped reaper weapon “Moonward Crux“.

Wow! It’s a cross scythe!

It has a strange shape.

When you carry it on your back, it looks like a cane.

It looks like a branch is bearing fruit, so is it the prototype of the plant?

The fact that the handle is not straight is like a natural tree.

The original color is purple, but I think it’s cooler to make it black.

It looks like a crow and is cute!
And when you hold it, the blade opens in a cross.

Is it a shuriken?

Shuriken! ??

And isn’t this difficult to attack? You can’t cut it, right?

But it’s okay, I’ll stab you and attack! 💦

If you look closely, the white part in the center is shining faintly. The part that looked like a fruit is also shining in pale purple and is a little cute.

Dyeing pattern
As the color changes suddenly, it seems that you can enjoy various coordination.
Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

This “Moonward Crux” can be obtained in exchange for Sack of Nuts in Old Sharlayan or Radz-at-Han.

I’m glad that the scythe can be coordinated both cool and cute ♪

So, it was a record of the rare reaper weapon “Moonward Crux” that opens in a cross.
▼ Please check the video to see how it opens!