This is a record of the monk’s melee weapon “Moonward Bladed Tonfa“.

Wow, I got some really cool twin swords!

It’s true that it’s a twin sword, but it’s a weapon for monks.

When I’m sitting on my waist, it’s just the handle of a small Japanese sword…

When you hold it up, a blade will appear!

Oh, I like weapons with gimmicks!

The blade that extends at a right angle looks like a sickle, but the blade is reversed for a sickle, making it look like an assassination weapon.

The sword is decorated with luxurious decorations from the blade to the handle.

When I looked at the handle, it looked like a Japanese sword, but the blade is Western-style and looks kind of stylish.

Monk’s weapons have so many different variations that it’s interesting.

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the handle and some of the decorations will change.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Celeste Green

By the way, this “Moonward Bladed Tonfa” can be obtained in exchange for Sack of Nuts in Old Sharlayan or Radz-at-Han.

That’s cool, but you’re so clumsy that you’re probably going to stab yourself.

I’ll be careful💦
▼I recorded a video of how the blade grows!
So, this is the record of the “Moonward Bladed Tonfa“, a Monk’s fighting weapon similar to a ninja weapon!

It’s a weapon that makes you happy twice at once! ?