This is a record of the Pictomancer’s weapon, the Red Pine Flat Brush.

Ta-da! I got a mechanical brush♪

Wow, nice cool design!

The worn metal look is cool.

It has a quite complex shape.

You can’t see the brush when it’s on your back. It has something like a gun barrel, so it looks like a machinist’s weapon.

However, when you hold it, the brush pops out and part of it lights up!

Wow, this is amazing!

A white brush came out from the muzzle-like part.

There are purple glows here and there, giving it quite a cyber feel.

It’s like the power is on, it’s cool

The modeling looks as if ink might be planted in the knuckle guard-like part.

It’s a square brush with a lot of volume.

It looks quite large from the side.

Look! Isn’t this palette super cute?

The red, blue, yellow, white and green colours create a lovely accent.

The Red Pine Flat Brush is a crafted weapon and can be obtained from the market board.

That’s great, now I want to become a Pictomancer too.

I recorded the brush popping out on video!
So that concludes my record of the Pictomancer’s weapon, the Red Pine Flat Brush!

Fufu, I knew you’d be happy ♪