This is a record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Paintbrush Eternal, available in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden.

Yayyyy, I managed to clear “Extreme” mode for the first time!

Fufu, congratulations Noriko-chan!

And I was sure this was the weapon you would like!

It’s a mechanical weapon with a very futuristic design.

It is characterized by having a tube on the handle.

The palette stays lit even when it is placed on your waist.

Once you take your brush into position, it will light up and an electronic sound will be heard!

Wow, the green light on a white background is so pretty!

The light shines all the way to the tip of the brush.

Is this made by Electrope?

Well, I guess that’s probably true.

The palette also has a futuristic and really cool design.

I don’t usually go to “Extreme” mode, but I love Sphene so much that I really wanted the wings, so I gave it my all and gave it a try… I’m really glad I was able to clear it.

Did you get that pen right away?

No, I did five laps and accumulated 10 “Totem Eternal“, so I exchanged them.

Huh? If you want wings, you should save them up until you have 99.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)garoon That’s right… No, I’m sure it’ll be fine. I don’t need to do 311 laps like my brother,
but I think I can get it!

Ugh, an old wound…💦

I recorded the electronic sound and the light on video!
So that concludes my record of the Pictomancer weapon, the Paintbrush Eternal, that can be obtained in The Minstrel’s Ballad: Sphene’s Burden!

I’m luckier than my brother, so I’m sure I’ll get it soon!? My heart is beating fast!