I also completed DAWNTRAIL!
Hello, I’m Norirow Note.
Although a little late, I have finally completed “DAWNTRAIL,” so I would like to write down my thoughts about it.

Well, Noriko-chan wrote her impressions first, so I basically agree with her.
So I’m just going to add a little bit to that and write it down.

And since I started my adventure later than everyone else and had already heard the opinions of many people before I did, to be honest, I started the adventure with a somewhat bitter feeling (lol), but now that I’ve finished it, if I’m asked to give my impressions in one word…
Wow, that was such a wonderful adventure!
I’m smiling so broadly.
I was really worried, but all in all it was a fun and wonderful adventure.
So first of all I would like to thank everyone at Square Enix who created this.
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful piece of work.
I also felt like we had a lot more to explore, and that made me feel relieved and happy.

Specifically, Noriko-chan said almost everything I wanted to say, like “The graphic update was amazing,” “I loved the first half, it was fun,” and “I love Wuk Lamat!” so I’ll just talk about the second half.
I thought I’d write a little about two of them in particular.

First, let’s talk about the first person, Zoraal Ja.
Why did it escalate so much?
When I read the opinions of various people, I felt that there were mixed opinions,
To be honest, I think I can understand it a little bit.

It’s hard to put into words, but… to put it very simply, I think it’s the “competitive” part of me that makes me feel that way.
I think that the “expectations from society that he was born with,” his “great father,” his “younger siblings who were never going to lose,” the “various ties” and the “unforeseen defeat” all warped and escalated his mind.
I think that if I make one wrong move, the same thing could happen to me.

Perhaps Zoraal Ja will be revealed in more detail in future adventures.
I think he probably had his own sense of justice.
What is right and what is wrong can be completely reversed in an instant if you look at it from a slightly different angle.
I hope to get a glimpse into Zoraal Ja’s various thoughts in the future. I want to know his idea of ”justice.”
As a fellow “older brother,” I want to know.

And the other one is Sphene.
It was kind of really painful.
My heart ached the whole time I was talking to her.
Because I think I understand how she feels.

“What she wants to protect” “A sense of mission”
Because having a mission makes people stronger. It allows them to demonstrate incredible power.
I think Sphene must have originally been a very pure and kind person. And she had a strong sense of duty as a king.

Furthermore, she was resurrected after her death, enhancing her “sense of mission.”
She is systematically programmed to “protect” people forever.
So I think that’s what happens. She makes the choice to complete that mission no matter what.
Even if it seems like it will destroy others and one day lead to self-destruction.
I’m sure she will keep going until it’s over. I think I understand how she feels.

But now I am thinking that maybe Sphane “wanted me to stop myself”.
She already has a “destiny she can’t stop by herself”, though.
However, she has an incredibly kind heart, and deep down she may not have wanted to fulfill her mission at the expense of others’ misfortune.
But she was no longer able to stop it herself. I think deep down she was hoping that someone, somewhere, would stop her.
So I guess it’s good that I was able to stop her.

Many things have happened in my adventures so far, but whenever I faced someone I always found myself conflicted.
Gaius in A Realm Reborn, Thordan in Heavensward, Varis in Stormblood, Emet-Selch in Shadowbringers, and Hermes and Meteion in Endwalker.
Their “justice” was something I could really sympathize with, and I was troubled as to whether I should confront them, and after defeating them, I always wondered if it was the right thing to do. I still think that the world they wanted would have been a much happier place for everyone.
But this might be the first time that I’ve felt glad that I was able to stop her.
In that sense, DAWNTRAIL may be the story with the most satisfying ending to date.

Of course, that may change as we go on more adventures.
The new patch 7.1 is coming soon, and we may hear about Zoraal Ja and Sphene in it.
There are still many mysteries surrounding preservation, the key that connects the world, and reflections of the source.
Right now I’m really excited about the adventure that awaits me.

Honestly, DAWNTRAIL was a lot more fun than I expected.
SMILE was a big theme this time. It was even used as the ending song.
There were a lot of sad things that happened, but just like the theme says, I was able to smile in the end.
And I was able to smile with excitement for the adventure that was to come.
That’s why I think “DAWNTRAIL” was a really good work.
Thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful adventure.

My thoughts have ended up being a bit disjointed, though.
I was actually a little worried about going on this adventure after seeing a lot of harsh reviews, so it was an even more enjoyable adventure that overturned my expectations in a good way.
So, that concludes my thoughts and thanks on “DAWNTRAIL”.
It was an adventure that had me smiling the whole time.
thank you very much!
Eh? You were crying throughout the whole adventure.

Shhh! 💦