This is a stylish gunbreaker equipment “Ghost Barque Gunblade“

It ’s a gunblade with an elegant design.

Gunblades are often designed like survival knives.

Since it is a gun blade, it has a revolver cylinder.

If you look closer, you can see that it is elegantly decorated.

Is the brim part in the shape of a flower ?

It looks like a shuriken.

Shuriken …
This gun blade can be dyed. I dyed it in charcoal gray.

When dyed, the color of the handle changes to a similar color in addition to the blade.

It’s nice to have a calm atmosphere.

How to get
This “Ghost Barque Gunblade” is available in the The Sirensong Sea. By the way, it is a different color of “Deepgold Gunblade” sold on the market board.

This ghost bark gun blade can be equipped from Lv61, so I’m glad that even early gun breakers can be fashionable.

So it was a record of the elegant gunblade “Ghost Barque Gunblade.”
▼ Please check the video for the feeling of holding it !