This is the record of Gunbreaker’s weapon, “Moonward Gunblade“.

Wow, what a cool gunblade.

It’s a little futuristic.

Here it is dyed with Gobbiebag Brown.

The blade has a unique shape and has a curved blade at the tip.

It looks like naginata.

It’s short for Naginata, so I guess it’s like Khopesh.

I see, so Khopesh originated from the crescent ax that originated in Egypt. (I looked it up)

It’s also cool that the cylinder part of the revolver exists.

The crescent part of the tip of the sword is quite sharp.

It looks a bit like a space weapon.

The design looks like something out of an anime.

Dyeing pattern
The original color is a bluish, relatively flashy color scheme.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Olive Green

Ceruleum Blue

Gobbiebag Brown

This “Moonward Gunblade” can be obtained in exchange for Sack of Nuts in Old Sharlayan or Radz-at-Han.

It’s a nice design that you can enjoy various coordination unexpectedly ♪

video recording
I recorded a video of the movement!
So, it was a record of the gunbreaker weapon “Moonward Gunblade“.