“Angelic Attire“, a chargeable item that can be purchased at FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store. (This Glamor can be worn in all jobs)

The wings and rings of the angels are very characteristic equipment.

Norirw-san doesn’t look so good…

That’s a bummer…

Well, I think that people with a neat image will surely look good on…
And the details are quite elaborate, with the key ring behind.

The type and color of the keys are different, which is cute.

The decorations on the hands are also very cute. Let’s use it in various ways.

By the way, all of this equipment can be dyed. In particular, the image of this arm equipment changes drastically when dyed.
▼ Original color

▼ It looks like this when dyed with Dalamud Red

By the way, even if the head equipment is dyed, the color of the angel’s ring does not change, only the ball chain on the forehead changes color.
▼ Stained with Dalamud Red

Also, this leg equipment is quite stylish with one hem open slightly.
▼ I tried dyeing with Soot Black

It seems that it can be matched with various clothes
Also, the clothes themselves can be dyed, but the color of the wings does not change.
▼ I tried dyeing with Soot Black

It looks like a fallen angel.
Norirow-san, this one suits you better than white.

What does that mean…
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