This is a record of Noriko’s favorite autumn glamour.

Ta-da! It’s “The Chestnut Knight”♪

Chestnut… It definitely has an autumnal feel to it, doesn’t it?

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Baronial Jacket
- 【Hands】Loyal Housemaid’s Wristdresses
- 【Legs】Dirndl’s Long Skirt
- 【Feet】Tonberry Boots
- 【Ring】Nabaath Leather Ring of Fending
- 【Sword】Galatyn Anemos
- 【Shield】Evalach Anemos
The head is dyed Gobbiebag Brown x Metallic Brass, the body Gobbiebag Brown x Pure White, the hands and legs Gobbiebag Brown, the feet Chestnut Brown x Snow White, and the shield Pure White.
By the way, here I’m equipped with a Paladin’s sword and shield, but this is a useful glamour that can be worn for all jobs.

The Baronial gear is really cute♪

The slightly steampunk atmosphere is very stylish.

In addition to the ribbon, the cape around the shoulders is adorable.

The gear accessories and the chain decoration around the waist are nice accents.

I also tried matching the colour of the ring.

The color of the boots is a dark chestnut brown to balance the overall look.

Hehe, “The Chestnut Knight” is complete♪

Unlike last time, this time it’s a proper autumnal outfit, which might be nice.

Fufu, the colors are so cute and look delicious, don’t they?

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes my record of the slightly steampunk autumn glamour, “Chestnut Knight”!
I’m starting to feel like eating chestnut cream cake (lol)
