This is a record of the Monk’s melee weapon “Augmented Crystarium Knuckles“.

Wow, I got a very rare weapon!

yeah? do you have a weapon?

At first glance, you can’t tell where the weapon is, but if you look closely, you’ll see a knife behind the sleeve.

Wow, that’s an assassin-like weapon.

This one is for monks, but it looks a bit like a ninja.

A movable metal knife is fixed to the wrist. It looks like it will provide some level of defense.

The ring on the finger is a bit fashionable.

This is a unique design and looks really cool!

I think I’ll be able to find a new attack pattern for Monk.

Dyeing Patterns
The color of the leather part will change. It doesn’t stand out in the first place, so it seems easy to match with various outfits.
Soot Black

Original Color

Snow White

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

By the way, this “Augmented Crystarium Knuckles” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan tomestone Poetics at Crystarium or Eulmore.

I feel like an assassin!

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is the record of Monk’s melee weapon “Augmented Crystarium Knuckles“.

Monk’s weapons have so many different variations that it’s really interesting!