This is a record of the glowing monk fighting weapon “Augmented Hellfire Claws“.

Oh, it’s a fighting weapon wrapped in flames!
You can hardly see it when you are wearing it on your waist. Only the part to grip.

When you carry it, it feels simple and the gap is nice.

When you hold it, it will be wrapped in flames and strong nails will appear.

The effect at the moment when the flame comes out is also cool, but I think that it can not be conveyed in the photo, so please check it out in the video below.

It looks like a dragon’s head.

It feels like a flame punch and is cool.

By the way, “Hellfire” seems to mean “fiery fire” of “hell”.

Oh, then I can fight while saying “Hell Punch!”

No, it’s not cool …

Is that so? 💦

This “Augmented Hellfire Claws” can be obtained in exchange for Allagan Tomestone of Poetics at Foundation or Idyllshire.

It ’s nice to have a weapon that shines easily.

Yeah, I’m glad I can easily do “Hell Punch”!


So, it was a record of Monk’s shining fighting weapon “Augmented Hellfire Claws“.
▼ Check out the video to see how the flame effect works!