This is the “Scythe“, which is truly valuable among the weapons of the Dark Knight, “Blackbosom Soul Reaper“.

It ’s Edda ’s weapon.

This is useful because there is no weapon called “sickle” in the first place.

The handle has a rugged design that looks like a metal smashed up.

The sickle part is quite elaborately decorated.

If you hold it, hold it with the blade facing up.

Scary … you’ll laugh and decapitate someone.

Oh! I don’t do that!💦

The dark knight has the effect of using the skill on the sword, so the atmosphere is also very good.

By the way, this “Blackbosom Soul Reaper” is a billing equipment that can be purchased at the FF14 online store. So it’s nice to be able to equip it from Lv1.

In addition to the dark knights, this “Blackbosom” series is also available for warriors, dragon, white mage, and black mage. If you want everything, it’s better to buy “Blackbosom Reaper’s Collection“.

I like this because it’s really cool!

So, it was a record of Edda’s scythe dark knight weapon “Blackbosom Soul Reaper“.
▼ Please check the video to see how it looks when you hold it!
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