This is a variable combat robot mount “Gabriel α“

This is … maybe it’s super cool !

It is a type of mount that moves on a fighter-type robot.

The wings and tail are like fighters.

The whole form looks like a classic fighter, but the face looks a bit modern.

The face looks a bit like a villain.

The legs are a little thinner than the upper body.

Well, it’s okay because it’s always floating.

This aircraft also possesses combat weapons.

When running on the ground, lean forward a little.

I can say “Norirow, I’m going !”

And when flying, it transforms into a glider-like shape.


The rifle is also properly equipped.

It’s also cool to rotate around when it transforms!
I don’t think you can see the deformation in the photo, so please check it out in the video below !

Prior to building a full-sized prototype of a new transforming armor dubbed Gabriel, project engineers created this scale test model to perform aerodynamic testing. While it passed said tests with flying colors, it was observed that its engine may be prone to running hot. (From official commentary)

It’s a little small experimental machine.

I want to ride even though it’s big.

This mount can rarely be obtained from the “Southern Front Lockbox” on the Bozjan Southern Front. In addition, you can buy and sell on the market board, so you can buy it at market board in case of emergency.

So, it was a record of the Southern Front Mount “Gabriel α”.
▼ Please check the video for deforming movements !