This is a record of the blue bird minion “Bluebird” of happiness.

A super cute bird has joined us♪

Is it the blue bird of happiness?

A very pretty blue bird.

It’s a baby bird.

This is a baby! more and more cute♪

Sometimes she happily dances in the sky.

And when she gets tired of flying, she sits on my head! (for Lalafell)

Wowaaaaaa, super cute!

By the way, this “Bluebird” is a minion that can be obtained in treasure maps G5 and G8.

However, they are tradable and can be purchased on the market board.

Ehehe, this seems to make me even happier♪

Fufu, happiness is within you.

I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that’s it for the record of the happy bird minion “Bluebird“!

It’s too cute ♪