This is a record of the chocobo armor “Allagan Barding” that can be obtained in Eureka Orthos.

Wow! I got some really cool chocobo armor!

It’s a pretty Allagan looking armor.

oh yeah! But it’s light blue with a white base, so it’s nice to have a refreshing feeling!

It feels fresh compared to the legacy of Allag we’ve seen so far.

There is a helmet on the head. Although it has a slightly noble design, it is cool that it shines light blue!

The torso and wings are fitted with heavy-duty armor.

This is a solid guard to the feet. It is wonderful that there is light blue light to the tip of the foot!

And above all, the blue light at the rear is distinctive!

This is so cool!

It has a robot feel that Norirow-san likes.

I love how cute the animals are wearing armor, and I really like the robot elements too♪

In addition, this chocobo armor “Allagan Barding” can be obtained from the treasure of Eureka Orthos. However, they are tradable and can be purchased on the market board.

Well, Norirow-san bought it on the market board.

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!

Hehe, treasure is something you unearth on the market board!
So, that’s it for the record of Shining Allag’s chocobo armor “Allagan Barding“!
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