This is a record of the achievement “Tank You, Dark Knight III” reward mount “Battle Panther“.

I like animals in armor!

But this leopard feels a little scary, isn’t it?

Because it’s a leopard that accompanies the dark knight 💦

History tells us that no dark hero’s story is complete without the companionship of a wily panther. Their sable coat, their savage nature, their attunement with the umbral, their thirst for blood. It is as if the gods created these creatures in the image of a dark knight…or perhaps it was the other way around.
(From the official mount commentary)

The face is pretty scary …

The teeth of the helmet have white sticks connected up and down, which makes it a little scary 💦

The leopard inside seems to have a black body, but it is wearing red armor as a whole, and the color is a little dark.

When he runs, he runs in a fairly low position, so he feels fast.

It’s a privilege of a low mount!
When he jumps up, he makes his limbs dangling and is a little cute. lol

Somehow, the long one that stretches behind is like a bug, isn’t it?

It’s whiskers 💦

It runs around the sky powerfully in the air.

In addition, this achievement “Tank You, Dark Knight III” is a title that can be received by capturing dungeons and extreme contents above a certain level 300 times. It’s quite difficult because I have to turn around 💦

I happened to get it because I had been aiming for a dark knight before, but it’s quite difficult to go to various places 300 times 💦

So, it was a record of the reward mount “Battle Panther” of the Dark Knight achievement “Tank You, Dark Knight III“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the mount and BGM!