This is a record of the cute white mage cane “Alkalurops” that can be easily obtained.

Wow! It’s a cute cane!

Is it a flower bud?

It is a cute cane with big buds when you carry it on your back. The handle is wood, but the base of the buds is processed with metal.

It looks delicious.

eh! You eat this! ?? 💦

And how, when you hold the cane, the flowers will bloom!

This is super cute!

Furthermore, the “anther” part is a little shining and beautiful!

Moreover, this sound effect is very cute!

When the flowers bloom, you will hear a sound like “Chirorin ♪”. Check out the video below to see the sound effects!

This is a cane that you can uselessly hold again and again!

I’ve never seen a cane that makes such a cute sound.

This “Alkalurops” is a crafter-made weapon, so you can purchase it on the market board.

By the way, “Alkalurops” is also the name of “Mu Boötis”, but it seems that it also means “Shepherd’s crunch”.

Namingway-chan is very knowledgeable!

Norirow-san is always unreliable, so I have to accumulate knowledge instead.

Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)Garoon

Fufufu, I found a very nice treasure again ♪
Video recording
I recorded the sound in the video!
So, it was a record of the white mage’s cane “Alkalurops” in which flowers bloom.

See you!
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