This is a record of Norirow’s favorite kimono arrangement Western-style mix coordination.

I tried arranging a Shinsengumi-like costume!

Fufu, you’re pretty cool, aren’t you?

Coordinates this time
- 【Head】Magitek Ear Guards
- 【Body】Resshi Haori
- 【Hands】Baronial Wristwraps
- 【Legs】Baronial Culottes
- 【Feet】Baronial Longboots
The head, hands, and feet are dyed in Snow White and the legs in Soot Black.
This is a convenient coordination that can be worn for all jobs.

You surprisingly like these headphones.

The body equipment is a stylish haori that looks like a Shinsengumi.

The indigo dyed scarf around his neck is cute.

The hands are wearing slightly rock-like gloves.

Is the emblem on the back related to Kugane? The loosely tied string decoration is cool.

The feet are also equipped with baronial equipment, giving it a Western-style mix.

It’s interesting to take a Japanese-style kimono and arrange it in a Western style.

It looks like a cute “Edo period police” lol

Wait, is that being praised? 💦

Fufu, it suits you so it’s fine, right?

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, this is a record of Norirow’s favorite “Kimono arrangement Western style mix coordination that admired the Shinsengumi”!

Since it’s New Year’s Day, I wanted to try something a little Japanese-style.