This is a cosplay record that evolved the warrior’s AF1 equipment and aimed at Arbert’s costume.

I tried to imitate my favorite Arbert!

Norirow-san … It doesn’t look good on you.

Ghan 💦
Arbert style equipment
- 【Body】Augmented Fighter’s Cuirass
- 【Hands】Augmented Fighter’s Gauntlets
- 【Legs】Augmented Fighter’s Breeches
- 【Feet】Augmented Fighter’s Jackboots
- 【Weapon】Bravura Atma
All costumes are evolved from the warrior’s AF1 equipment so that they can be dyed. All are dyed in soot black here.
If you bring AF1 equipment and Fighter’s Armor Augmentation to Mr. Kakalan of Mor Dhona, you will be able to dye.
By the way, the weapon is the warrior Zodiac Weapon (ZW) third stage axe.

I’ve always loved this costume, and I miss the fact that I wanted to wear this costume and aimed to become a warrior ♪

The blade of the left hand is characteristic. As expected, the equipment of a warrior who attacks even with bare hands.

It is dyed with soot black, but the red color remains in some places.

The waist is a little ethnic.

It’s cool if Arbert wears it, but when you wear it, your legs are short and it’s kind of unbalanced.

Ugh 💦

At first glance, the weapon “Bravura Atma” is bloody and scary, but it feels like it has been used and is surprisingly easy to match with various coordination.

Alright, Arbert Cosplay is complete ♪

Hmmm, I’m sure your hairstyle doesn’t suit you.

I wonder … isn’t it refreshing? 💦

Somehow, you feel like a redneck.

Ghan …… I wonder if my usual hairstyle suits me better 💦

Well, but I’m happy just to be a little Arbert-like!

So, it was a record of Arbert-style cosplay.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!
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