This is a record of my favorite (?) “Neat” coordination.

I’ve heard the belief that if you go to Bozjan in neat clothes, you can easily get the battle record, and I’ve loved Glamour since I tried it!
▼ [Reference] Looking for a mount that challenged with a neat appearance

Again, I think this isn’t neat, you’re just dressed as a woman, right?

Is that so? 💦

Coordination this time
- 【Head】Black Hyacinth Corsage
- 【Body】High House Bustle
- 【Hands】Dinosaur Leather Gloves
- 【Weapon】Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe

The head equipment is a crafter production equipment that can be made from flowers “Black Hyacinth Corsage“

Black suits men too, right?

I wonder … it looks like a girl after all?

Oh 💦
The torso equipment “High House Bustle” is a fashionable equipment that even men could wear a while ago. This is also a crafter production equipment, so you can purchase it on the market board.

A dress with a neat design and flared lace sleeves in a cute jacket and a skirt. Here, it is dyed in Snow White.

Speaking of neatness, it’s white!

It’s a simplistic idea.

Ugh 💦
The fluttering behind is very cute.

I like clothes with wide bottoms ♪

And I tried to bring a warrior’s axe for the time being, aiming to be a “warrior of neat light“.
It ’s simplistic forever, isn’t it?

うUh 💦

This “Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe” is an ax that can be exchanged in Allagan Tomestone: Poetics.

A very cute design with a checkered pattern.

It comes with a gimmick that the blade comes out from inside when you hold it.

This axe is cool, cute, and I’ve been using it for a long time. My favorite axe!

Although it is rugged, it is an axe that is surprisingly easy to match with anything.

The “Neat and Clean Warrior of Light” is complete!

“Warrior dressed as a neat woman” is completed, isn’t it?


But it’s clothes that can be worn for all jobs and is pretty easy to match, and it’s a coordination that I like relatively. lol

So, it was a record of my favorite coordination “Warrior of Neat Light”.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the dress fabric!