This is a record of the Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) 4th form sword “Pyros Sword” & shield “Pyros Shield“.

Oh, the sword and shield of the cross shone!

That completes the Pyros version.

If you just carry it on your back, it is exactly the same as an elemental weapon in the previous stage.

A shield with a large cross and an unusual sword in the shape of a cross.

And this one glows when you hold it up!

Oh, is that a flame!

It looks like a warm blue-green flame effect.

It is a gentle flame effect, like a bobbing fire cooking.

In addition, there are two spinning rings of light on the shield.

It’s an unusual blue flame, but it’s also a beautiful glow, different from the blue flame of the anima weapon.

And the sword is likewise engulfed in flames, with two spinning rings.

And the glitter is dancing, too. It’s beautiful.

I don’t think the photos alone can convey the condition of the flames, so please check out the video below!

It’s not just the flames, but the spinning circle of light, but it’s mystical again.

The not-too-intense effects are also easy to coordinate.

Dyeing Patterns
The silver portion will be dyed.
Original Color

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

It’s a crucifix weapon. It’s very cool, very impressive!

In a way, it has that “chu-ni” feel that Norirow-san seems to like ……

▼ The glow was recorded on video!
So, these are the records of Paladin’s fourth form of Eureka Weapon, “Pyros Sword” & “Pyros Shield“!

This is another extraordinary treasure… ♪