This is a record of Paladin’s Eureka Weapon (EW) third form sword “Elemental Sword” & shield “Elemental Shield“.

Wow, this is medieval European style!

It’s a cross-like sword and shield.

The shield is elongated and decorated with a large cross.

The gold cross at the top adds an extra touch of nobility.

The shield is quite metallic.

It’s cool and European knightly!

And the sword is also designed like a cross.

Moreover, the straight blade, which is not often seen, is quite distinctive.

This is a priceless treasure… ♪

The gold decoration gives it a luxurious look.

But these aren’t very sharp, I’m sure.

That’s not true! The power of the ether makes it very sharp!

I haven’t heard this in a while. Norirow-san’s Aether Universalism……

Dyeing Patterns
Both the sword and the shield change the color of the silver parts.
Original Color

Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

Celeste Green

The colors change dynamically, so the range of coordination will expand.

Yeah, yeah, I’d love to do a cool knight’s coordination with this!

▼ The actual movement was recorded on video!
So, these are the records of Paladin’s third form of Eureka Weapon, “Elemental Sword” & “Elemental Shield“!

Next time this will be a shiny evolution… ♪