This is a record of Noriko’s favorite tank Glamour.

It’s a knight outfit that fights in a white dress!

It’s all white, which is rare.

Coordination for this time
- 【Head】Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon
- 【Body】Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending
- 【Hands】Thavnairian Armlets
- 【Legs】Lalafellin Bloomers
- 【Feet】Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots
- 【Sword】Curtana Atma
- 【Shield】Holy Shield Atma
Everything is dyed in pure white here.

I wanted to try using pure white♪

When “Far Eastern Schoolgirl’s Hair Ribbon” is also dyed pure white, it has a different atmosphere than usual and is very beautiful!

I like the “Neo-Ishgardian Top of Fending” because the neck area is dignified and cute.

For the hands, I used the “Thavnairian Armlets” to reduce the appearance of the armor.

For her feet, she wears “Lalafellin Bloomers” and “Far Eastern Beauty’s Boots” for a slightly elegant look.

The design on the hem of this dress is very nice.

Yes Yes! I love how it looks from this side angle!

It is a three-dimensional and very beautiful spread.

For weapons, she has the third form of Paladin’s Zodiac Weapon “Curtana Atma” and “Holy Shield Atma“.

I like this sword and shield, so I always think about clothes to match it.

Fufu, once you have a weapon you like, it’s fun to think of Glamour to match it.

But in Norirow-san’s case, when you get a weapon you like, you change even your main job accordingly. You are having a hard time finding a steady job.

Ugh, I can’t deny that… 💦

Fufu, I like Paladins the most!
▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of Noriko’s favorite tank Glamour!

Fighting dresses are kind of cool and cute, aren’t they?♪