This is a record of the billable Attire “Dress-up Alisaie Attire” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store. (This Glamor can be worn in all jobs)

It’s Alisaie-chan♪

Wow, this is cute and suits you!

Fufu, I love Alisaie so I’m happy♪
A beige jacket that Alisaie wore for a while.

The bold cut-back part of the collar is very stylish.

The back is also boldly cut.

The cuffs on the sleeves are large, and the ribbon around the arms is cute.

Accented with a large sash belt.

This legs feels active.

The shape of the waist cloth is also very beautiful.

Fufu, this outfit is so cute♪

And this costume also comes with Alisaie’s hairstyle “Modern Aesthetics – Sharlayan Rebellion“.

The difference from Alphinaud’s hairstyle is that the parting and hair ornaments are in the opposite direction, and the ribbon is red.

Hair ornaments are white.

▼ It looks like this when white mesh is added to black.

The mesh goes into the tip of the hair.

By the way, if I match it with my usual hairstyle, the costume looks like this.

Norirow-san’s Alphinaud outfit and hairstyle didn’t suit him that well, but Noriko-chan’s Alisaie outfit and hairstyle are cute.

Ugh, I can’t deny that… and it’s cute 💦

Fufu, I really liked this ♪

▼ I recorded a video of the movement!
So, that was the record of the charged equipment “Dress-up Alisaie Attire” that can be purchased from the FF14 online store!

See You !
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