This is a record of the “Didact” series equipped with AF5 (Lv89) of the Sage.
※ AF5 equipment is an abbreviation for Lv89 artifact equipment, which means “special equipment unique to each job”. The artifact equipment is a milestone and a special outfit with a fairly elaborate design. (AF5 is a costume for Endwalker)

Wow, it’s an Alphinaud costume!

It’s kind of like a doctor.

Sage’s AF5 equipment
- 【Head】Didact’s Visor
- 【Body】Didact’s Coat
- 【Hands】Didact’s Gloves
- 【Legs】Didact’s Gaskins
- 【Feet】Didact’s Boots
- 【Weapon】Hagneia
These should be available somewhere as you progress through the Endwalker story.

The head equipment is a visor that is somewhat glittering.

It moves so you can cover your eyes.

You’re a completely suspicious person.

Eh 💦
The torso equipment is a fairly long coat.

The decoration around the shoulders creates a very luxurious feeling. What is the coat of arms on the chest?

Various devices are attached around the waist.

The pockets are relatively concentrated on the left side.

And only the right hand has a sharp instrument attached on the glove.

The feet are fashionable boots.

The back is also quite luxurious.

It looks like this when the AF5 weapon “Hagneia” is attached.

This Nouliths is also very cool!

Alphinaud wore this outfit in the opening trailer for Endwalker, and I’ve always thought it was cool!

It’s a cool outfit, but when you wear it, it looks like a suspicious mad scientist.

Σ(゚д゚lll) Garn

Probably because of the head equipment! 💦

You don’t have a lot of head gear that suits you.

Ugh 💦

Dyeing pattern
You will be able to dye by clearing the role quest of the healer in Endwalker.
Soot Black

Dalamud Red

Honey Yellow

But Alphinaud wore a blue outfit, didn’t he?
Dragoon Blue

Is Dragoon Blue too bright?

Royal Blue

Start enterprise!


And if you make Alphinaud hairstyle, Alphinaud cosplay is completed!

Norirow-san, you feel something is wrong with this.

I thought this should be pretty cute 💦

So, it was a record of the Sage’s AF5 costume “Didact” series.
▼ Please check the video for the movement of the fabric!