This is an introduction of the “YoRHa Type-53 Halfrobe of Healing“(Male version) healer body equipment that can be obtained from the “The Puppets’ Bunker” dungeon of the NieR:Automata collaboration “YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse.”

This is cooler than I imagined and trembles…

The design differs slightly for men and women.

The leather fabric and the embroidery are very fashionable for this outfit.

Is this kind of “punk”-like ?
Earlier, Saito producer of NieR said in PLL, “Steampunk world view,” so I don’t think you’re wrong.

The sleeves are flutteringly decorated, and the design is cute and cozy.

The texture of the leather is very good.
It’s simple, but the texture of the leather and the design of the sleeves and embroidery are in perfect harmony, and they seem to be easy to coordinate.

By the way, what I’m coordinating here is…
- 【Hands】Dinosaur Leather Gloves
- 【Legs】YoRHa Type-51 Trousers of Healing
- 【Feet】Idealized Arbatel Thighboots(Soot Black Dye)
- 【Arm】Augmented Scaevan Magitek Codex(Soot Black Dye)

You can also dye.
▼ Snow White

If you dye it, the atmosphere will change.

This outfit is really good ! It’s my favorite !
▼Please check the video to see the difference in texture due to movement !