This is a record of the White Mage weapon “Dryad Cane” available at The Stone Vigil.

The number of “speaking wands” has increased!

Fufu, Nori-chan, you like this series.

I love it so cute! And this tree may be my favorite ever!

Like the other talking wand series, it sleeps when it’s on its back. (maybe)

The tip of the wand is shaped like a root.

And when you hold it, a tree will rise!

The feeling of getting up in a hurry is cute!

He makes his mouth flutter and blinks.

And the biggest feature of this “Sacred Tree Wand” is that only one leaf appears. Some of the ones I found before had no leaves and some had a lot of leaves.

And, I named this tree “White-chan” ♪

yeah? White-chan? Because it’s a white mage?

It’s because it’s the whitest in the talking tree fairy series I’ve ever met ♪

Ah, sure! It’s even whiter than “Tane Mahuta”!

Oh yeah, it’s the easiest to coordinate, so I like it!
Video recording
I recorded a video of him speaking!
So, it was a record of the white mage’s weapon “Dryad Cane” available at The Stone Vigil.
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