This is a record of the Java sparrow minion “Uolosapa” on Aloalo Island.

Look! The super cute Java sparrow has joined us♪

Wow, this is a really cute bird!

Fufu, I guess so. At the fan festival the other day, Java sparrow was being talked about passionately, so I went to pick it up!
▼ Around 3:46:45 there is a story about Uolosapa.
This is such a hot article!

This is a really cute bird flying around.

The large eyes are also characteristic.

When it spreads its wings, it looks quite large.

And the cutest thing is, when you call, the bird will sit on your head! (For races other than Lalafell, the bird will sit on your shoulder)

Wow! Too cute! > <

Fufu, if you look closely, this bird has really beautiful fur.

After all, this bird is sacred, and it’s a very intelligent bird.

I see! Looks like we can talk a lot♪

This “Uolosapa” can be obtained from the treasure chest on Aloalo Island, but it can also be bought and sold, so you can also pick it up from the market board.

I recorded the movement in a video!
So, that’s all about the record of the cute sparrow minion “Uolosapa“!

Adventures will be even more fun if such a cute bird comes along♪