This is a cute parrot with a blue handle, a machinist gun “Parrotliege Musketoon.”

It’s a little cute, but it’s also a bronze and astringent gun.

When you carry it on your back, you can see a blue parrot over your shoulder.

This is a different color of “Parrotbeak Revolver.”

The color is different from “Parrotbeak Revolver,” but the place where something like a hook comes out from the handle is also different.

And when you hold this gun, it emits a mellow and red effect.

It feels a little terrifying.

It’s an effect like the “Hyperconductive Armageddon,” where the gun itself is cracked and shining.

This is a cool effect with a big gap with Aum’s adorable design.

This gun can be obtained in exchange for 1,000 PVP Wolf Mark.

The color of the parrot is different from that of the “Parrotbeak Revolver,” so you may want to use it according to your mood.
So, it was an introduction of the cute mechanic gun “Parrotliege Musketoon” with a blue parrot.
▼ Please check the video to see the effects !