This is a record of the Warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) Fifth Form “Shamash“.

Wow, this is a cool axe!

It looks like Magitek Armor, isn’t it?

Certainly … somehow … the white wings and the overall color are like Magitek Armor … that’s a robot axe! Hooray!

(Robo-like is the point that makes you happy …?)

It is an ax that has a Magitek Armor-like appearance, and I think that this rounded gunmetal-colored metal contributes to that image.

Also, this white feather part is exactly the Magitek Armor itself.

There is one honeycomb-like sphere on each side.

Funnel may come out from here! ??
※ Funnel does not come out.

But this axe doesn’t have a blade, so it can’t be cut.

Fufufu, this is a Magitek technique that causes an ether blade to appear and damage it.
Also, you have gone to the delusional world.

Dyeing pattern
The purple part is dyed.
Original Color

Snow White

Soot Black

Honey Yellow

Ceruleum Blue

Rust Red

In addition, this “Shamash” can be obtained by evolving it in the forbidden land Eureka “Hydatos Expedition”.

It’s really cool and I like this ♪

And finally, the next stage is the final stage, do your best.

So, it was a record of the fifth form of the warrior Eureka Weapon (EW) “Shamash“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!
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