This is a record of the throwing weapon “Law’s Order Chakrams“, the third form (fourth stage) of the Dancer’s Resistance Weapon (RW).

Wow, it’s a fashionable chakram!

It’s antique and cute.

A lot of jewels are studded, it is classic and cute, and it is finished in a very fashionable design.

It’s also cute that it’s not just a circle.

Surprisingly, it seems easy to match with any outfit.

When you hold it, it looks like a faint orange jewel is shining.

Not only is it cute, but it also has a sharp blade that makes it a strong weapon.

How to evolve
In addition, this “Law’s Order Chakrams” has evolved to the previous stage “Enchufla Recollection”, and after receiving an order for a quest from Zlatan in Gangos, “Loathsome Memory of the Dying” is 15 You can evolve it by collecting pieces.

This “Loathsome Memory of the Dying” is available in Bozjan’s “Castrum Lacus Litore”, “Critical Engagement”, or “Crystal Tower” series. Castrum Lacus Litore has 5 confirmed items, so it seems efficient to wait for Castrum Lacus Litore while going around critical engagement within Bozjan.

This is a cute and very nice chakram.

Fufu, I’m glad you liked it ♪

So, it was a record of the throwing weapon “Law’s Order Chakrams” of the dancer’s resistance weapon third form (fourth stage).
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!
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