This is a record of the Summoner’s AF4 (Lv80) weapon “Meteorologica“.

Wow, it’s a fashionable book of butterflies!

Is it a butterfly …?

The shape of the book is unique, with decorations not only on the surface but also on the corners.

When you hold the book, it looks like the yellow wings are shining faintly.

If you look closely, each decoration is antique and cute!

There is also a lamp-like monument at the top.

The lower part is also decorated with fluttering, and it’s kind of cute.

A fashionable magic crest is also drawn in the book.

The outside is slightly longer than the inside of the actual book.

The yellow part at the top may shine even at night, making it easier to read a book!

In addition, this “Meteorologica” can be obtained at Tempest’s Workbench if you proceed with the story of Shadowbringers.

Hey, isn’t this more like a dragonfly than a butterfly?

I see, it’s a book that looks like various insects.

By the way, “Meteorologica” is the name of the book written by Aristotle.

I see! When I think about it, I feel more and more attached to it and I’m happy ♪

So, it was a record of the summoner’s AF4 weapon “Meteorologica“.
▼ Please check the video for the movement when equipped!