Scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW) “Akademos.”
This is the first tactical magic book of “Save the Queen Story.”

It’s a surprisingly small book, but the decoration on the wings is so wide that it looks big.
A book with feathers and a little noble decoration.

But for a recent book, it’s a bit modest design.

The written Memon style is detailed.

New books often have detailed descriptions.

I’m happy because I like this one.

The Resistance Weapon, the weapon of the first job, you can get by just proceeding the story of Save the Queen.
After the second job, 1,000 Allagan Tomestone Poetry will be required.
I’m happy that I only need 1,000 poetry.

Following the Zodiac Weapon, Anima Weapon, and Eureka Weapon, the fourth weapon strengthening story “Resistance Weapon.”

Perhaps we will be able to evolve more and more with the addition of stories in the future, but what kind of evolution will we achieve ?

There is no doubt that it will shine, right ? ? ?

It’s been shining for a long time, so maybe it won’t shine anymore.

I don’t need such a surprise 💦