This is a record of the evolution of all stages of the scholar’s weapon, the Resistance Weapon (RW).

Wow, I’m glad I got a lot of beautiful books!
RW can be roughly classified into three forms, but all of them can be cute.

1st form “Akademos”
First of all, it starts from “Akademos“. It is a very beautiful bound book with a distinctive feather decoration.

It’s a noble book! The decoration of the leaves is nice!
▼ Please see here for details!
2nd form “Akademos Recollection”
Then, “Akademos” evolved into “Akademos Recollection“, and the effect of flying a ring of light like a flower and flying butterflies was added, making the design even more cute. Dyeing is also possible.

This effect is very beautiful.

▼ Please see here for details!
3rd form “Law’s Order Codex”
When it comes to the third form, “Law’s Order Codex,” the design changes dramatically, and it becomes a fashionable book featuring test tubes and many sticky notes.

This is super cute! The most favorite book of all Scholar weapons!
▼ Please see here for details!
4th form “Augmented Law’s Order Codex”
Further evolution, “Law’s Order Codex” becomes a glowing “Augmented Law’s Order Codex“, and a green flame-like effect covers the book. Dyeing is also possible.

Isn’t this the effect of butterflies again?

▼ Please see here for details!
Final form “Blade’s Wisdom”
The final form, Blade’s Wisdom, has a fairly noble design, and when you open the book, a glowing ivy-like effect and a yellow petal-like effect surround the book. Dyeing is also possible.

This effect is also very cute!
▼ Please see here for details!
I’m glad they were all cute

Yeah, I love “Law’s Order Codex”, and “Blade’s Wisdom” has cute effects, so I’m wondering which one to use 💦
▼ I don’t think the effect can be seen in the photos alone, so please check it out in the video as well!
Summary of how to evolve

I’m glad that it’s relatively easy to proceed compared to previous weapon enhancement events!
The scholar’s books are pretty cute, so I recommend them all.

So, it was a summary of all stages of the scholar’s Resistance Weapon (RW)! For your reference!