This is a record of the procedure summary for evolving the Resistance Weapon (RW).

RW might have been relatively gentle among the weapon enhancement contents so far?
It might be faster if there were more people in Bozjan.

There are five forms, but there are six stages of evolution.
Start with the quest “Hail to the Queen” that you can order from Kugane!
1st stage (1st form)
- Quest: Resistance Is (Not) Futile
If it is the weapon of the first job, you can get it just by advancing the story of the Resistance Weapon.
From the second job onward, 1,000 Allagan Tomestone Poetics (“Thavnairian Scalepowder” x 4) are required.
2nd stage
- Quest: For Want of a Memory
You need to collect 20 items each, “Tortured Memory of the Dying“, “Sorrowful Memory of the Dying“, and “Harrowing Memory of the Dying“.
These three items will drop within the Bozjan Southern Front. Also, drop 100% at F.A.T.E. in the Heavensward & Stormblood area. You may collect them in Bozjan to raise the level and obtain other items.
3rd stage (2nd form) Recollection
- Quest: The Will to Resist
Next, you need to collect 6 items called “Bitter Memory of the Dying“.
You can also collect this in the Bozjan Southern Front, but it is actually faster to collect it there because you will always drop one in the leveling roulette or Lv60 dungeon.
4th stage (3rd form) Law’s Order
※ Prerequisite: Clear “Castrum Lacus Litore” and “Gunhild Dilubram“
- Quest: Change of Arms
You need to collect 15 “Loathsome Memory of the Dying“.
This “Loathsome Memory of the Dying” is available in Bozjan’s “Castrum Lacus Litore”, “Critical Engagement”, or “Crystal Tower” series. Castrum Lacus Litore has 5 confirmed items, so it seems efficient to wait for Castrum Lacus Litore while going around critical engagement within Bozjan.
5th stage (4th form) Augmented Law’s Order
For the first job
① You need to collect 18 “Haunting Memory of the Dying” and 18 “Vexatious Memory of the Dying“.
- Quest: The Resistance Remembers
Available in FATE in the Stormblood area or in the Shadow of Mhach and Return to Ivalice dungeons. Since it is not a definite drop in FATE, it may not make much difference in time either way.
② You need to collect 15 “Timeworn Artifact“.
- Quest: A New Path of Resistance
It’s available at the Palace of the Dead or Gunhild Dilubram, but the Palace of the Dead doesn’t seem to be a definite drop, so it may be faster to go around Delubrum Reginae (3 at a time).
For the second and subsequent jobs
In the case of the second and subsequent ones, only the above ② is OK. (① is only once!)
6th stage (final form) Blade’s
For the first job
① You need to collect 30 of the following. Since it gathers well in the Zadnor, it is recommended to collect it in the Zadnor in parallel with leveling up and collecting Field Notes.
- Quest: Spare Parts , Tell Me a Story , A Fond Memory
Items to collect | Where to get |
Compact Axle | ・the Zadnor:Southern Plateau Skirmishes ・Alexander 1 or 2 |
Compact Spring | ・the Zadnor:Southern Plateau Critical Engagements ・Alexander 3 or 4 |
A Day in the Life: Battles for the Realm | ・the Zadnor:Western plateau Skirmishes ・The Bend of Time – OMEGA 1 or 2 |
A Day in the Life: Beyond the Rift | ・the Zadnor:Western plateau Critical Engagements ・The Bend of Time – OMEGA 3 or 4 |
Bleak Memory of the Dying | ・the Zadnor:Northern plateau Skirmishes ・Eden 1 or 2 |
Lurid Memory of the Dying | ・the Zadnor:Northern plateau Critical Engagements ・Eden 3 or 4 |
② In addition, you need to collect 15 of the following. You can get 3 of them in the Dalriada, so you only need to make 5 laps!
- Quest: Irresistible
Items to collect | Where to get |
Raw Emotion | ・the Dalriada ・Delubrum Reginae ・Level 70 dungeon ・Heaven-on-High |
For the second and subsequent jobs
In the case of the second and subsequent ones, only the above ② is OK. (① is only once!)
This is the end of strengthening the Resistance Weapon!

The final form of the resistance weapon has a pretty distinctive effect!
I think the effects in the middle stage were particularly beautiful.

So, that was the summary of how to evolve the resistance weapon!