Round Lanner, a rare bird mount available from “The Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign.”

I’m happy because I love birds ! cute !

Certainly this bird is very beautiful with a sparkle of purple.

Heavensward’s Extream bird mount series are all cute, but this one is especially beautiful and my favorite.

The running figure is also cute.

Animal mounts are cute with their legs hanging around when they jump up.

The flying figure is really elegant and beautiful.

Somehow she has a metallic luster.

When you say so, it looks like a mysterious colored feather.

These birds are possessed of dignity equal to the noble personages whom they serve. Ancient Ishgardian knights often indulged themselves in falconry, and lanners were revered for their abilities, their lyncean eyes being well suited for sighting prey on the ground. (From official setting)

I see, the Holy Knight !

It is a beautiful and elegant image of a noble bird.

I think that “The Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign” will be easier to circulate if several people are gathered and Unsynced.
Let’s be friends !

If you have all the Heavensward Extream mounts, Phoenix will join you !