This is a record of the Paladin sword “Belah’dian Anelace” & shield “The Southern Sun” available in The Great Gubal Library.

I got a cool weapon from The Great Gubal Library ♪

Wow, it’s kind of fashionable equipment.

A sword and shield with a design that is perfect for the Paladin costume of The Great Gubal Library.

The Great Gubal Library is full of cute equipment ♪

And this is a little classic design, isn’t it?

Is the name of the shield “Southern Sun” derived from the sun?

As the name suggests, the motif on the shield is the sun. Leather is stretched on the front.

The upper part is quite a noble design.

The back of the shield is also leather. It may be a lighter shield than it looks.

And “Belah’dia” in the name of the sword “Belah’dian Anelace” is the name of the Larafel dynasty before Ul’dah, right? It ’s a kind of emotional weapon.

It’s a little small sword, isn’t it?

How is the sharpness …? It is a sword with a thin blade.

The costume of The Great Gubal Library looks like school uniform, but this helmet and sword shield can match very well.

That’s right, Noriko-chan is so cute that she can wear it.

Ehe, I feel that this made me even stronger ♪

Video recording
So, it was a record of Paladin’s weapons “Belah’dian Anelace” & “The Southern Sun” available in The Great Gubal Library.

See you!