This is a record of Zoraal Ja’s chocobo armor, the Electrope Barding.

Ta-da! I got a cool chocobo costume♪

Wow, it’s true! It’s a cool futuristic armor.

It’s a sturdy looking helmet.

Ha! There’s a regulator too…

Fufu, this looks like a decoration.

Overall, the purple light running across the black armor makes it stand out as electronic.

It looks cool with its tail sticking straight up.

Wow, the wings look like fin funnels!

Are you daydreaming about Gundam again?

And it looks like Psycho Gundam!

Fufu, I don’t know, but I’m glad you seemed to be having fun (lol)

The way it runs is also cool!

The way it flies does look a bit like a fighter jet.

By the way, this “Electrope Barding” is crafted equipment, so it can also be purchased from the market board.

As the name suggests, this is probably made with an Electrope.

If you think about it like that, it’s kind of mysterious♪

I recorded the movements on video!
So that concludes Zoraal Ja’s record of the chocobo armor, “Electrope Barding“!

See you soon!
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