This is a record of the samurai weapon “Diamond Zeta Blade” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
This is also a weapon with a transformation gimmick!
I didn’t think it would look good in kimono, but … it looks good.
The scabbard has a fossil-like design.
When the sword is pulled out, the scabbard opens like a beast’s mouth.
Both the scabbard and the sword have orange eyes.
And the eyes of this sword flash like breathing.
I wonder if this weapon is alive …
The eyes of the sword blink, but the scabbard remains lit all the time.
And there is a red sphere at the tip of the handle, which is also shining.
The blade has a little beast decoration on the tip of the sword.
As with other diamond weapons, when you pull out the sword, you will hear a sound like “Bang! Shuin” that activates some energy system. I don’t think the sound effects and how the pods open can be seen in the photos, so check out the video below.
It sounds like “Don!” Instead of “Bang!”.
When I hit something hard, the engine started … Isn’t it?
This is rarely available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme). Alternatively, you can exchange it by collecting 10 Diamond Totem available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
So, it was a record of the samurai weapon “Diamond Zeta Blade” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
▼ Check out the video to see the sound effects and how they transform!