This is a record of the White Mage’s weapon “Diamond Zeta Cane” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

This is also a transforming weapon!

This is a spear rather than a cane, isn’t it?

It certainly looks like a spear when you are carrying it on your back. The spearhead has a slightly terrifying design, but the colors are light white and blue, so it feels a little refreshing.

When you hold the cane, the part like the tip of the spear opens and orange eyes come out from inside.

This also transforms with a “Shuin bang!” sound like something starts, and the orange eyes flash like breathing.

I don’t think the sound effects and how they are deformed can be seen in the photos, so please check them out in the video below.

I think it’s like Eva by all means …

And even more so because it looks like a spear, though the spear that appears in Eva doesn’t look like this.

Seen from the side, it’s surprisingly thin, just like a spear.

It looks like it’s going to pierce.

This is rarely available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme). Alternatively, you can exchange it by collecting 10 Diamond Totem available at The Cloud Deck (Extreme).

I really like this series.
So, it was a record of the white mage wand “Diamond Zeta Cane” that can be obtained in The Cloud Deck (Extreme).
▼ Check out the video to see how it transforms and the sound effects!